Backed by a team of engineers, the Lyon company IRFTS masters the whole knowledge and development chain for photovoltaic equipment, from production to connection to the grid.

IRFTS’s expertise lies in developing modular integration solutions for photovoltaic applications, from integrated roofing panels to sun screens via an aerovoltaic module, the Boost’R.

Easy Roof Boost’R

– Top-up heating solution combining a photovoltaic installation with a Boost’R module
– No electrical resistance for better energy performance
– Great flexibility of integration

Easy Roof Evolution

– Simple installation: universal building integration system (IAB)
– Robust (hail, UV, heat, snow, wind)
– Ventilated integration system

– Compatible with photovoltaic panels, solar thermal panels, aerothermal panels, hybrid solar roofing panels
– Landscape or portrait orientation
– Slope of 10° to 50°

IRFTS Shadow Solar

– Ideal for solar self-consumption installations
– Sunscreen/car port/pergola
– Dual use: photovoltaic production and weather protection for greater comfort

– Façade or ground mounting (two or four legs)
– Compatible with all types of 60-cell 6″ photovoltaic modules and micro-inverters
– Available in anthracite grey or white

IRFTS Umbra Solar

– Sunshade
– Dual use: photovoltaic production and weather protection for greater comfort
– Compatible with RT 2012 thermal regulations

– With or without finish fairing
– Compatible with all types of 60-cell 6″ photovoltaic modules
– Built-in fixing for micro-inverters

Easy Roof Industrial

– Solution for large roof areas: small or large tertiary applications
– Simplicity and time saving: small number of items, bolted structure with no cutting or joining
– Robust (UV, hail, corrosion, heat, snow, wind)

– Portrait or landscape orientation
– Compatible with all types of 60-cell 6″ photovoltaic modules
– Slope of 8° to 40°
– Compatible with all types of structure: wood, metal, concrete

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